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Over one billion people live in informal urban areas, without access to running water, adequate sanitation and other essential services. Many are unemployed or in precarious work and face barriers in the form of immigration status or municipal registrations, access to information and social support networks, or discrimination and xenophobia.
Youth social entrepreneurship can be a catalyst for job creation and help tackle the challenges faced by migrant communities, by driving inclusive growth, social equality, and sustainable development, to ensure all are welcome, safe and prospering in our society.

Meet Borneo Komrad - Creating impact for stateless children and communities (Malaysia)
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Meet Peacebuilding Project - Empowering and Capacity-Building Displaced Afghan Women in India
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Meet Garbageman - Improving socio-economic standing of waste handlers and scrap dealers (Bangladesh)
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Meet Liberty Society - A fashion social enterprise that empowers refugee women (Indonesia)
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Watch stories on How young entrepreneurs advANCE SOLUTIONS FOR HUMAN MOBILITY

Youth Co:Lab startups providing solutions to human mobility

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